Meltek Rewards by the Numbers

Last month, many Meltek users did a great job saving energy during the heat wave and ended up earning big with Meltek! We’ve crunched the numbers and July’s results are in. Here’s a look at some of the standout achievements.
August 30, 2024

In July, our Con Edison customers truly made the most of savings offered by the demand response program. Our highest-earning customer managed to save a substantial amount of energy (the equivalent of burning 140 pounds of coal) while earning over $600 for their efforts!

Our customers in Battery Park City, Glen Oaks, Armonk, Rye, Mount Kisco, White Plains, Brownsville, Great Kills, Riverdale, and Northeast Yonkers — collectively saved the most energy. Customers in these neighborhoods managed to save more than 810 kWh of energy and avoided releasing over 566 kilograms (about 1247.81 lb) of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. That is approximately the equivalent carbon emissions from burning 624 pounds of coal.

On the commercial side, according to New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), energy management is a long-term beneficial approach for commercial customers that will reduce energy costs, minimize risk by mitigating energy price volatility and equipment breakdowns, as well as create a competitive advantage in the market.

By controlling home and commercial energy consumption together, we can achieve substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and play a crucial role in the process of energy transition. Additionally, reducing energy use in our homes, businesses, and factories lowers power demand on the grid, which can boost electric system reliability and grid resilience, so that our energy infrastructure remains capable of supporting future demands.

These numbers highlight the incredible work our customers are doing to save energy, earn big $$, help reduce emissions, and earn rewards. And as an approved aggregator of Con Edison, PSEG Long Island, and Orange & Rockland, Meltek wants to reward people for saving energy and our planet even more.  

On top of that, 72% of all active Meltek customers participated in all of the energy-saving events last month. If you haven’t joined the movement yet, now is the time. Sign up with Meltek today and start earning by saving energy. Together, we can clear the air and help build a more sustainable future.